Police say Steven Little, a convicted sex offender, answered his door while naked and invited trick-or-treating children inside. Little was arrest and is being held in Utah County Jail. | Brandon Whitworth, KSL-TV

A convicted sex offender was arrested Saturday evening after police say he answered his door nude and allegedly invited trick-or-treating children inside.

Steven Little, 48, was on probation for lewdness involving a child when the incident occurred.

At about 6:52 p.m., several children were trick-or-treating and knocked on a door located near 1144 E. 460 South Street, Provo police master officer Austin Williams said. Little opened the door naked and invited the children inside for candy, according to a police booking affidavit.

One of the children called their father, who then came to the door while another child filmed, according to Williams. The father told Little to shut off his lights and stay inside, he said.

The father notified police about the incident and showed them the video upon their arrival, according to the affidavit. Officers spoke to eight children who confirmed they saw Little naked.

When Little was asked about the incident by police, he said he'd just gotten out of the shower and invited the children inside because "that's where the candy was," Williams said.

Little was arrested for investigation of five counts of felony lewdness and three counts of felony lewdness involving a child.

Utah Department of Corrections Adult Probation and Parole has placed Little on a 72-hour hold at the Utah County Jail, Williams said.

Police: Registered sex offender opens door nude, invites trick-or-treaters inside
Source: Gabriella Pinoys