The Zions Bank clock on Main Street in Salt Lake City is pictured.

The Zions Bank clock on Main Street in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022.

Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News

With regard to Jay Evensen (March 25, “Tick tock, ditch the time change now, Speaker Pelosi”), polling last year showed that Americans prefer year-round standard time to daylight time. In Congress the percentage is the opposite. Clearly, the Senate did not speak for the people in its vote earlier this month.

Regardless of what the House does, this issue will not be settled. Some states will not permit Congress to take away an hour of morning light. The congressional vote is blatantly unconstitutional, a violation of the 10th Amendment. This is a local matter for the states to decide. 

Yes Jay, let’s stop the semiannual time change. Year-round standard time is coming.

Stephen Snow

Salt Lake City

Keep clocks at standard time year round |Opinion
Source: Gabriella Pinoys