President Joe Biden speaks in Washington.

President Joe Biden speaks during an event about the Affordable Care Act, in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, April 5, 2022.

Carolyn Kaster, Associated Press

President Joe Biden will announce new gun regulation Monday that aims to tackle the use of privately made weapons, per The Associated Press.

Driving the news: Senior administration officials said Biden will announce regulations that will look to tackle “ghost guns” — which are unregulated and untraceable weapons that people can make from kits, according to CNN.

  • These “ghost guns” often don’t have serial numbers, making them harder to track.
  • The new regulation will require background checks before people can purchase the kits, and serial numbers may be needed on some of the parts, according to CNN.

The bigger picture: Biden has been facing pressure to act on gun control and regulations, especially after an increase in school shootings in 2022, according to The Associated Press.
  • The House has passed gun control legislation — like a background-check bill — but Senate Republicans are “near-unified against most proposals,” per The Associated Press.

What they’re saying: The Senate’s top Democrat, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, said over the weekend that he hopes the Biden administration moves faster on gun control measures, per CNBC.

  • “It’s high time for a ghost gun exorcism before the proliferation peaks, and before more people get hurt — or worse,” Schumer said, according to CNBC.
  • “My message is a simple one: No more waiting on these proposed federal rules.” Ghost guns are “too easy to build, too hard to trace and too dangerous to ignore.”

President Biden’s gun plan: What are Biden’s new gun rules?
Source: Gabriella Pinoys